Rounding the Corner to Opening Day
“Outtakes”. A snippet of thoughts to kick off this blog post:
The eclipse was not only awesome, but it restored a bit of faith in humanity.
NCPS is a well-oiled machine of educational excellence.
What I am looking forward to putting into practice, or continuing:
Staying positive. Spreading positivity.
Meeting A LOT of new people this week.
Quote(s) that resonated with me this week:
Expect the unexpected.
The week started out wrapping up some loose ends and preparing for upcoming meetings throughout the week (more on that soon). Anyone who has been in education for quite some time has learned that you must expect the unexpected. This was true this week as there were some unexpected staff changes. The response from the principal, superintendent, and central office team was impressive. The response from the NCHS teachers who pitched in to adjust schedules, provide coverage, and lend a helping hand where necessary was nothing short of amazing. I got to experience firsthand, many skills that we are trying to teach our students as they develop into not just scholars, but global citizens. The skills of communication, teamwork, creativity, problem-solving, adaptability, flexibility, and professionalism were all employed. This is yet another reason I am grateful for this opportunity to work, learn, and grow in the NCPS system.
This topic may seem tangential in an academic related blog, but it is worth noting. Monday closed out with the long anticipated solar eclipse. Typically, when something is surrounded with this much hype, the end result is often disappointing. While we only experienced approximately 65% of the full eclipse, the cosmic sight was impressive. With that being said, my favorite part of the day was how positive everyone was. Not just in New Canaan. Not just in Connecticut. Everywhere. It was a terrific break from all that negativity that we are inundated with on a daily basis in the news and through many other outlets. Everyone was talking about how cool the eclipse was. People were sharing their sweet looking eclipse glasses with friends, colleagues, and total strangers all across the country (us included). Thanks to Science Department Chair, Tim Haag, for sharing some glasses with us before he left to witness the totality in TN. We need more of this positivity in our lives and it hopefully will not take until the next eclipse for it to happen (which by the way, takes place on April 8, 2024).
Over the course of the next few days, the district put on meetings for new staff. While I have been “on the job” for almost a couple of months, I was filled with the same excitement as the rest of the new staff. We were welcomed with some delicious breakfast and lunch options arranged through our district food service provider (who is also new) and her staff. They certainly made a good first impression.
Now down to business. The professional preparation for new staff included a look at the Teacher Evaluation & Professional Learning (TEPL) plan, the Parent-Faculty Association (PFA), Special Education, crisis response, curriculum overview, Title IX, technology, and much more. All stakeholders were represented or discussed. Each topic was presented by an in-district professional. This was effective in helping put a face to a name and district responsibility as well as an opportunity for each professional to share their passion with the new staff. It is worth noting that the entire central office staff was present throughout the multi-day program, even when they were not presenting. The same was true for building administrators from across the district. This sends a strong message of professionalism, full investment, and cohesiveness within the NCPS system.
On Thursday (8/24), I had to opportunity to meet with Todd White, the CEO of PhocuseD on Learning, LLC. This session was to calibrate best practices in methods of effective teaching evaluation as I transition from one district to another and begin teacher observations. It was a nice opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and discuss thoughts, ideas and methods that will be effective in providing the best support possible for staff at NCHS. This was effective in-district professional development and I look forward to continuing this work in meetings and classroom visitations throughout the year.
The remainder of the week was filled with building meetings, epi-pen training, building tours, facility preparation and meeting with some parents to discuss the upcoming school year. To say that I am looking forward to the arrival of the students on Wednesday (8/30) would be an understatement. Here is to wishing everyone out there a tremendous start to the 2017-18 school year!
Please feel free to contact or follow me:
Email: david.gusitsch@ncps-k12.org