Friday, November 3, 2017

NCHS Student & Faculty of the Month - Celebrating our Assets


NCHS Student & Faculty of the Month
Celebrating our Assets

“Outtakes”. A snippet of thoughts to kick off this blog post:
Any opportunity to celebrate positive events around a school building help improve the school culture.

What I am looking forward to putting into practice, or continuing:
The focus on positive social-emotional well-being.

Quote(s) that resonated with me this week:
“Kids do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care” ~ anonymous

Educators should always remember that they are not just teaching content, they are teaching kids.

The recently instituted Student and Faculty of the Month programs have gotten off to a positive start with the 2017-18 school year. Beginning with the jumpstart by the fabulous NCHS PFA over the summer, the display cases underwent a complete overhaul. They turned out great and are an attractive way to showcase and celebrate some of our most deserving assets, our students, and staff!

Students are nominated by staff members who feel that they have seen a student (or students) go above and beyond the typical academic, or social, expectations over the course of the month. We have wonderful students at NCHS and many are recognized for their incredible accolades in their academics, arts, athletics, and even extracurriculars. Students who receive the Student of the Month award may be standouts, or they may be considered “normal, everyday” students. This is what makes the program great. In the eyes of the person or people who have nominated them, they have done something special. To recognize this, students receive a nice certificate, a letter is sent home describing the award, that letter is included in their personal file, and their photo and name are on display in the display case for that respective month.  

Faculty of the Month undergo a similar process. They are nominated by students, or colleagues, who feel they have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Both programs truly are a nice way to recognize deserving members of our community. It is a simple way of saying “thank you!” for being you. You can read more about the program and the October recipients, here. The November recipients are included in the images below.

Please feel free to contact or follow me:
Twitter: @DavidGusitsch

Grade 9
Teddy DeClue
Isabella Fernandez

Grade 10
Olivia Caron
Natalie Lopez

Grade 11
Alexandra DeGhengi
Christian Sibbett

Grade 12
Kely McDonald
Emma Smith

Staff: Scott Cranston, Jessica Cullen, Bill Doyle, Reka Cebulski, Paul Reid, Olivia Patrizzi

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